Friday, March 11, 2011

Soft-Bo at the three prediction

From the Ministry of Information Industry, Radio Authority, the Beijing Software Promotion Center and other organizations of government officials were made on three hot topics positive prediction.

June 14 to 16, the Ninth China International Software Expo in Beijing China International Exhibition Centre. Ministry of Information Industry Wang Xudong, Minister and other government officials and diplomats from dozens of countries attended the fair. Show that in terms of scale, or support from the government point of view, the fair is the biggest ever.

Beijing Software Industry in 2008 over the construction industry

Despite the current Soft Expo is already the ninth, was the first time Beijing has to appear as the organizer. This subtle change, a reflection of Beijing's software industry in recent years, especially expectations.

Soft Expo Hall in a total of four years, Beijing Hall 3 exclusive to the theme of independent innovation and comprehensive to the audience in Beijing in recent years in infrastructure software, games and digital content, software export, information security and technical standards etc. the results achieved. In addition, Beijing has resorted to "create software capital" banner, "engaged in software, in Beijing," the banner in Hall 3 where everywhere.

In recent years, Beijing has already tasted the development of the software industry's "carrot": the software industry in Beijing in 2004 total operating income reached 52 billion yuan, 2.7 times in 2000, average annual growth of 34%. According to customs statistics, Beijing software exports in 2004 amounted to 238 million U.S. dollars, 5.3 times in 2000, average annual growth of 52%. After 5 years of development, the capital of Beijing software industry has become the new pillars of the economy. Beijing software and information services director of the Center for Qing-Hua Hu is no way to cover up "ambition", he believed that the 2008 Beijing software industry will exceed the construction industry, the contribution to the GDP will be second only to the financial services industry.

In the long ends of the IT industry chain extension and expansion, Beijing has finally found a breakthrough - software development, production and information services. 185 investment in Beijing World five hundred companies with their investment has expressed its sincere recognition: computer services and software investment projects in third, 7.6% of the total number of items.

Outsourcing grew 6 times 5

Bo was in this soft, on the topic of outsourcing occupy a very important position, for convening the "Software Outsourcing Business Association," is far beyond the scale of the other 12 games forums.

Since the 90s of the 20th century, because of the economic downturn, Japanese companies are looking for low-cost software outsourcing exports, due to language and cultural proximity, most of these companies have no choice in Asia, India, but will mainly target China. Today, Japan is still China's software outsourcing services to major party giving.

However, things are changing the Indians came. As of now, India's top 5 largest software companies have all settled down in Shanghai, while they see a strong market potential in China, on the other hand is coveted by the Chinese software enterprises is now almost monopoly of Japanese and Korean markets. By hiring local talent, Indian companies can easily cross language and cultural barriers, and Chinese enterprises compete in the land of China from Japan and South Korea's software outsourcing business.

Bo was in this soft, Ministry of Electronic Information Products Management Division, said Zhang Qi, the Chinese government will intensify its efforts to support the software outsourcing business, and plans in the next 5 years, so that the scale of the industry increased by 6 times in the including Europe and the United States, including the global software outsourcing market, with Indian companies to start full-scale competition.

In 2004, India's software outsourcing exports up 17.3 billion U.S. dollars, while China's software outsourcing exports over the same period is only 26 billion.鎸夌収6鍊嶇殑澧為暱閫熷害锛?骞村悗涓浗杞欢澶栧寘鍑哄彛棰濅篃鍙槸鐣ュ井瓒呰繃鍗板害鐨勭幇鏈夎妯★紝鑰岄偅鏃跺嚭鐜板湪鎴戜滑闈㈠墠鐨勯偅鍙法鏃犻湼鏄綍绛夋ā鏍凤紝鎴戜滑杩樹笉寰楄?鐭ャ?

鏈杞崥浼氫笂锛屾斂搴滈儴闂ㄥ拰鏈夊叧涓撳涓?嚧鍛婅鍥藉唴杞欢浼佷笟锛屽彂灞曡蒋浠跺鍖呯粷涓嶈兘浠ヤ涪鎺夊浗鍐呭競鍦轰负浠d环銆?Previously, many Chinese software companies are only emphasizes the development of software exports, more or less ignored the Chinese domestic market: nearly 30 million SMEs in China, demand for information of these enterprises there is a huge market, and has very good prospects for development .


绾界害鏃舵姤涓撴爮浣滃鏇炬挵鏂囩О锛孯FID锛堢數瀛愭爣绛撅級灏嗙粰涓栫晫渚涘簲閾剧鐞嗗甫鏉ラ潻鍛芥?褰卞搷銆傛槸鍚﹂潻鍛斤紝濮戜笖涓嶈锛屼絾涓浗鐢ㄦ埛瀵筊FID鐨勭儹鎯呭嵈璁╁巶鍟嗕滑涔愬紑浜嗚姳锛氬師鏈瀹氳妯′负80浜虹殑绗節灞婅蒋鍗氫細RFID搴旂敤楂樺嘲璁哄潧锛屽眳鐒舵秾杩涗簡200澶氫綅瑙備紬銆?br />

Experts, RFID in China, large-scale applications, need to cross the threshold of 3. One is the high cost, which is the primary factor affecting the promotion RFID; the other is the standard constraints, both frequency standards, coding standards, or the application of standards, the current lack of unity; The third is the market demand was not urgent.


China's RFID national standard has not yet introduced, is close to Europe and the United States of EPC standards, or Japanese standards is no set number of UIC. As for the frequency, the differences among countries, is difficult to unity, which may affect the enthusiasm of users of RFID. However, the Radio Authority or the person on the forum brought us good news: our standards on RFID is expected to formally set out in the near future.

Domestic middleware already 1 / 3 of country

鎹倝锛屼互閲戣澏銆佷笢鏂归?銆佷腑鍒涚瓑涓轰唬琛ㄧ殑鏈浗杞欢浼佷笟鍦ㄤ腑闂翠欢棰嗗煙鍙栧緱浜嗗皢杩?0%鐨勫浗鍐呭競鍦轰唤棰濄? From the current market view, middleware vendors are constantly closer to the application and, in some industries, the market has also made good. 锛堝惔锛?br />
God first collective appearance code software

杞崥浼氬紑骞曞綋澶╋紝绁炲窞鏁扮爜棣栨灞曠ず浜嗗寘鎷噾铻嶃?绋庡姟銆佺數瀛愭斂鍔°?ERP鍜岀數淇″湪鍐呯殑鍏ㄧ嚎杞欢涓氬姟銆?Ministry of Information Industry in 2004, ranking in the hundred of software, application software in the industry, Digital China topped the list. (Van)

Great Wall Software "1 +3" after the big show

Bo was soft, the Great Wall from the technology platform software layer, application layer, and overall consulting industry, three layers demonstrated its extensive industry experience and software development capacity building. Not long ago, the Great Wall Group is the system integration of software resources to implement the strategy will be its original Great Wall Computer Software and Systems Co., Ltd., Hunan account Lide, Hunan China into account, such as Xiang Xiang Hua total reorganization and integration of four companies (called internal "1 +3" integration), the formation of a new Great Wall Computer Software and Systems Limited. (Court)

UF Zhiyuan appearance collaborative management software

June 14, UF Zhiyuan series of collaborative software collaborative management system, the collective appearance.璇ョ郴鍒楄蒋浠跺垎涓哄姙鍏?鍩虹鐗堛?鍔炲叕閫氭爣鍑嗙増銆佸崗鍚屼紒涓氱増銆佸崗鍚屾斂鍔$増绛?澶х郴鍒椼? 锛堟槉锛?br />

杞崥浼氱涓?ぉ锛屾柊鍗庣鎶?郴缁熻蒋浠舵湁闄愬叕鍙稿彂甯冧簡鍏舵柊涓?唬鏈嶅姟鍣ㄦ搷浣滅郴缁熲?鈥斿崕闀搷浣滅郴缁熸湇鍔″櫒鐗圧ays ES銆傝绯荤粺閲囩敤Debian杞欢鍖呯鐞嗘満鍒讹紝鐢ㄦ埛鍙互閫氳繃绯荤粺鎻愪緵鐨勫崕闀蒋浠跺寘绠$悊鍣紝浠庡厜鐩樸?鍗庨暛鏈嶅姟鍣ㄦ垨鑰呮湰鍦版満涓婂畨瑁呯郴缁熷強搴旂敤杞欢銆?br />

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