Wednesday, July 21, 2010

CorelDRAW 12 progressive (9) - the object of the group and form

Lesson 9 groups and form object

One, group and combination

Literally (group) and (combination) of the function appears to be somewhat similar, but their use is totally different.


Use (group) command can be combined with many different objects, as a whole unified control and operation. Group is also very simple to use:

(1) selected to conduct the group all the objects.

(2) Click the menu command "array" / "group" (shortcut Ctrl + G); or click the Properties bar (Groups) button, you can group the selected objects.

(3) after the object group as a whole, when moving or fill the position of an object, the group of other objects will also be moved or filled.

After the operation the target group

Note: After the object group as a whole Huan object again with other groups. Click the Properties bar (ungroup) and (elimination of all groups) button, to cancel the selected object or multiple-group relations group relations.


Using the "combined" function can merge different objects together into a completely new object. If the object color in the mix before filling, then the combination of the object will display the last selected object (target) color. It is used and group similar functions.

The object of the combination operation of filling and the effect of node


The combination of object that can be "broken up" function command to remove the object combination. Concrete steps are as follows:
(1) has been selected combination of objects.
銆?? 锛?锛夊崟鍑昏彍鍗曞懡浠も?鎺掑垪鈥?/鈥滄墦鏁b?锛堝揩鎹烽敭 Ctrl+K锛夛紱鎴栧崟鍑诲睘鎬ф爮涓殑锛堟墦鏁o級鎸夐挳鍗冲彲灏嗗師缁勫悎鐨勫璞″彉鎴愪负澶氫釜鐙珛鐨勫璞°?




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銆??鍦ㄩ?涓涓璞″悗锛岄?瀹氬伐鍏峰睘鎬ф爮涓究浼氬嚭鐜帮紙鐒婃帴锛夈? 锛堜慨鍓級銆侊紙鐩镐氦锛夈? 锛堢畝鍖栵級銆侊紙鍓嶅噺鍚庯級鍜岋紙鍚庡噺鍓嶏級鍏釜淇暣宸ュ叿鎸夐挳銆?br />

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鈥滀慨鏁粹?娉婂潪绐?br />


銆??鐒婃帴鈥濆姛鑳藉彲浠ュ皢鍑犱釜鍥惧舰瀵硅薄缁撳悎鎴愪竴涓浘褰㈠璞°?浣跨敤鏂规硶闈炲父绠?崟锛?br />




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銆??浣跨敤鈥滀慨鍓?鍔熻兘鍙互灏嗙洰鏍囧璞′氦鍙犲湪婧愬璞′笂鐨勯儴鍒嗗壀瑁佹帀銆備娇鐢ㄦ柟娉曞悓鈥滅剨鎺モ?鍔熻兘銆?br />




銆??浣跨敤鈥滅浉浜も?鍔熻兘鍚庯紝鍙互鍦ㄤ袱涓垨涓や釜浠ヤ笂鍥惧舰瀵硅薄鐨勪氦鍙犲浜х敓涓?釜鏂扮殑瀵硅薄銆?br />





銆??锛堝墠鍑忓悗锛?br />

浣跨敤鈥滃墠鍑忓悗鈥濆悗鐨勬晥鏋?br />
銆??锛堝悗鍑忓墠锛?br />

浣跨敤鈥滃悗鍑忓墠鈥濆悗鐨勬晥鏋?br />



銆??鍦?CorelDRAW 12鐨勫璞$鐞嗕腑锛?鏈変竴涓?鑳藉湪寮?斁璺緞鐨勭嚎娈典腑蹇?寤虹珛闂悎璺緞锛屼互褰㈡垚灏侀棴鍖哄煙鐨勨? 闂悎璺緞鈥濆姛鑳斤紝浣垮緱瀵瑰紑鏀捐矾寰?绾挎鐨勯棴鍚堟搷浣滃彉寰楁洿鍔犲鏄撲簡銆?br />
銆??鍗曞嚮鑿滃崟鍛戒护鈥滄帓鍒椻? /鈥滈棴鍚堣矾寰勨?锛屽嵆鍙湅鍒?CorelDRAW 12鎵?彁渚涚殑鍥涚璺緞闂悎鏂瑰紡銆?br />


銆??鈥滈棴鍚堣矾寰勨?鍔熻兘鎻愪緵浜嗗洓绉嶉棴鍚堣矾寰勭殑鏂瑰紡锛?瀹冧滑鍧囧彲浠ュ簲鐢ㄥ湪涓?釜鍗曠嫭鐨勫紑鏀捐矾寰勪笂锛屾垨鑰呬袱涓互涓婄殑寮?斁璺緞涔嬮棿銆?br />

鈥滄渶杩戠殑鑺傜偣鍜岀洿绾库?鍔熻兘锛屽彲浠ョ敤鐩寸嚎灏嗛?瀹氱殑寮?斁绾挎涓庢渶杩戠殑鑺傜偣杩炴帴璧锋潵锛屼互褰㈡垚灏侀棴鍖哄煙銆?To do the following:



銆??锛?锛夊崟鍑烩?鎺掑垪鈥?/鈥滈棴鍚堣矾寰勨?/ 鈥滄渶杩戠殑鑺傜偣鍜岀洿绾库?鍛戒护锛屽嵆鍙畬鎴愬閫夊畾绾挎鐨勮矾寰勯棴鍚堛?



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銆??鈥滀粠璧风偣鍒扮粓鐐逛娇鐢ㄧ洿绾库?鍔熻兘锛屽彲浠ョ敤鐩寸嚎灏嗛?瀹氱殑寮?斁绾挎鐨勮捣鐐瑰拰缁堢偣杩炴帴璧锋潵锛屼互褰㈡垚灏侀棴鍖哄煙銆?br />

鐢ㄧ洿绾胯繛鎺ヨ捣鐐瑰拰缁堢偣闂悎绾挎鐨勬晥鏋?br />

銆??鈥滀粠璧风偣鍒扮粓鐐逛娇鐢ㄦ洸绾库?鍔熻兘锛屽彲浠ョ敤鏇茬嚎灏嗛?瀹氱殑寮?斁绾挎鐨勮捣鐐瑰拰缁堢偣杩炴帴璧锋潵锛屼互褰㈡垚灏侀棴鍖哄煙銆?br />

鐢ㄦ洸绾胯繛鎺ヨ捣鐐瑰拰缁堢偣闂悎绾挎鐨勬晥鏋?br />


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Friday, July 9, 2010

Bliss Sound WAV to M3U Creator

Bliss Sound WAV to M3U Creator rips audio CD tracks and saves them into audio formats such as mp3, wav, wma (Windows Media Audio), VQF (Yamaha SoundVQ), or OGG Vorbis, converts MP3, WAV, WMA, OGG Vorbis from one to another on-the-fly, resamples MP3 to MP3, WAV to WAV, WMA to WMA, OGG to OGG for changing bitrates, frequency, and other options. It's fast, easy to use while powerful. This software offers rich options for your special requirements. MP3 Encoder supports CBR (Constant Bit Rate) and VBR (Variable Bit Rate). Bliss Sound WAV to M3U Creator also supports four channels mode including Stereo, Join Stereo, Mono and Dual Channel. By changing MP3, WAV and WMA settings, you may make a choice between speed and quality. OGG Vorbis also supports OGG VBR and quality balance. It is suited for both veterans and beginners - If you are a veteran, you will find there are so many options you can set, if you are a beginner, you don't have to consider these options, just use default settings and rip CDs in a few clicks. CDA to MP3, MP3, CD, CD-R, DVD-Audio, AAC, AC3, ID3, M3U, M4A, M4P, MP3 ID3 Tag, OGG, RA, WAV, WMA, MP2, APE, VQF, MPC, AMR, Midi, WAVE, and RM converter- convert CDA to MP3; It supports ID3 tag - You can read/edit ID3 tag yourself before ripping.

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